A letter about Henry Ford

 To whom it may concern,

I have read "Henry Ford and Anti-Semitism : A Complex Story" article, and I want to say that you didn't listen Henry Ford and you automatically tried to disagree with his ideas.

This means you are not scientific, just or logicial. If you say something about anyone first you should tell about what he said then you tell your answers and disagree with him..

So, without mentioning his ideas, his words, the news had made about jews and you just said he was anti semist and he was emotional.

He was Henry Ford, he was one of the biggest engineers in the world . He should have been logical , and as I look his photograph what I see is a truthful, trusthworthy person. So, he should be listened and  I belive he was right.

Jews are the biggest problem of our world. They are the devils from human..And ..

I am one of the fighters against them ..Gazze will be startday of their biggest loss.

Salute to Henry Ford and all truthful people of the world.

Best Regards,

Murat Güzel
