Architect Robot - Sinan

the year 2080. After the nuclear war, the earth's surface was covered with a layer of radiation, and as a result of the imbalance in the atmosphere, the sun's rays dried up and turned into a desert with its burning feature. The seas have dried up. There is life only in underground cities. Generally, robots and unmanned vehicles work above ground. Occasionally, manned spacecraft hover over the Earth's surface for expeditions and some research. Except for some minor natural resources, water is produced artificially in special factories in underground cities. In these cities, artificial sun, artificial waterfalls and rivers were created. Plant and animal species continue in private forests. Transportation between cities is done by teleportation towers, sometimes up to 1km high, above the underground cities. Materials, vehicles, people, etc. in the underground city. anything is teleported to the top of these towers and then to other beam towers and spacecraft from these towers.

May 12, 2080. History lessons are given to children at Kommage Underground City Primary School. The teacher tells the children about the Nuclear war between 2020-2030 and how their current civilization was formed. One of the students is a girl named Azra and she is scribbling something in her notebook.

15 June 2095 . Azra is a civil engineer who owns a company. Kommage takes a project to the City Council. The project is to build prototype mini-cities above ground in some locations around the world that have been found to be low radiation. The first place in the project is the ruins of the city of Jericho, which by 2020 was a highly developed city but was destroyed by nuclear war. Parliament support the project

gives. Azra leaves. After teleporting over two or three cities with the assistant robot VILBIS, the worker robots and the architect robot STRABEL, the leader of the worker robots, he comes to the ruins of Jericho with his spaceship. Jericho consists of ruined buildings, houses, bridges and torn streets. Azra gives a command to the ship's main computer named RAVA. spaceship on the ground

When it descends, a beam emerges from the top of the ship and then this beam splits into thousands of beams that spread out like a fountain, and these thousands of beams directed from the air to the ground are about 3 km high, 1km high, which includes some of the ruins of Jericho. forms a hemispherical ray shield in diameter. This shield is double layered. The outside radiation cannot enter the area inside this hemispherical shield, and the sunlight enters without its burning effect.

Azra and VILBIS Explorer I land vehicle and worker robots and their leader get off the spaceship in STRABEL with the explorer II land vehicle and proceed towards the first building where the work will begin. Suddenly, EXPLORER I tells Azra that he has discovered an energy source. Azra orders Explorer I to go to the source. He communicates with STRABEL via EXPLORER II and orders STRABEL to start all the necessary work and tells him that he will be in the study area with VILBIS shortly. STRABEL confirms the order.

Azra and VILBIS get out of the vehicle when EXPLORER I arrives at the center where the energy wave is spreading. They trace the source to the basement of a collapsed building. The energy comes from a large steel vault in the basement. VILBIS opens the safe. Inside the safe is a robot that appears to be inoperable, but looks almost like new. VILBIS gives the following information about this robot: “This is an example that has never been used yet. The owners could not find the opportunity because of the war. This robot is one of the first artificial intelligence robots with a leader feature. The artificial intelligence program on it is SINAN. Later, the SINAN software program became obsolete, as it led to poor performance of the robots and in some cases not obeying the orders of other superior robots and humans. “VILBIS tells Azra that it would be better not to deal with this robot. Azra does not listen to VILBIS. He tells VILBIS to give the robot additional energy and turn on the robot. VILBIS energizes SINAN. SINAN comes to himself. SINAN's first words would be "I love you".

 Azra, VILBIS and SINAN talk for a while in the basement and it is understood from their conversation that SINAN not only makes scientific and logical speeches, but also says emotional words and put forward artistic ideas, unlike other artificial intelligence robots. Unlike other robots, SINAN also sings. Azra tells SINAN about her own project and uploads the related project to SINAN's memory. SINAN immediately gives his opinion on the project. And if he is given a task, he says that together with the worker robots, he can turn these ruins into a colorful city with a river running through it, with green plants and trees, and it has already been designed for this. Azra tells SINAN about STRABEL, the leader of the worker robots. He says that STRABEL will do the rebuilding of the city and that he can help him. Azra, VILBIS and SINAN go out. They jump to EXPLORER I and arrive at the study area.

Arriving at the work area, STRABEL and worker robots demolish a damaged building. SINAN is thrown out immediately and wants to stop the demolition of the building. Azra orders him to stop. STRABEL and SINAN come face to face. While STRABEL advocates the complete demolition of dilapidated old technology buildings and the establishment of new technology buildings, SİNAN advocates restoring old buildings and equipping them with new technology. Azra makes the decision. The building is restored within 2 hours with the help of worker robots. After the building is restored, SINAN mentions that he can paint the exteriors of buildings with various patterns with the help of worker robots, and that these paints can be changed with a small process when necessary, and the walls can turn into other patterns. Azra had never heard of such a thing before. Because hologram images have always been used for the exteriors of buildings. STRABEL advocates coloring the exterior of the building with holograms, while SINAN is in favor of using color changeable paint. Azra orders SINAN and STRABEL to show their skills on two different sides of the building by dividing the worker robots. SINAN and STRABEL start working. There is a truth that becomes evident when their work is finished. SINAN's patterns and colors are so beautiful that the digital technology hologram and its artificial graphics have remained very dull and colorless. And Azra makes SINAN the leader of worker robots and STRABEL.

In the following days, worker robots restore all buildings and equip them with the latest technology under the leadership of SINAN. They reveal an underground water source, create a tiny riverbed and allow water to flow around the city. They plant flowers, plants, trees on the riverbanks, they water them. They fix the streets and plant trees around them. They do all this with the artistic understanding of SINAN. However, STRABEL starts not to listen to SINAN's orders due to the leadership feature in its software. And on the day when all the works are about to be completed, while Azra and VILBIS are not around, STRABEL pushes SINAN down from the top of the building being restored and SINAN is shattered. When Azra comes to the scene with KAŞİF I, she is very upset that SİNAN is torn apart. But it comes to mind that SINAN can remove the memory and program chip and connect it to KAŞİF I's computer. Azra gives orders to VILBIS. When SİNAN's memory is connected to KAŞİF I, it is revealed from the images in the memory that STRABEL pushed SİNAN from the top of the building. Azra then orders STRABEL to shut itself down and STRABEL is disabled. Then, its memory and software are removed from its body and SINAN's memory and software are loaded instead. When STRABEL's old body and SINAN's new body are energized, the following words are heard from the robot: "I Love You" Azra's eyes fill with tears.

November 20, 2095 works have been completed. Azra, VILBIS, SİNAN and other robots are waiting for the first mobile group to teleport at the teleport gate inside the spaceship. RAVA reports that the party will be on board in ten seconds. The convoy reaches the ship. Azra, VILBIS and SINAN "Welcome!" they say and they all go out together. When they get out of the ship, the convoy cannot believe their eyes, the ruins of Jericho have turned into an Eden-like mini-city. As they step towards the center of Jericho with astonished and admiring glances, Azra's gaze is turned towards SINAN. SINAN suddenly starts humming an emotional song. Azra also starts humming this song and orders VILBIS next to her to hum it too...
