Lover of dreams

 He woke up suddenly. He was like a jerk. It felt like a slight lift. “Shall I get up? No, I'm a little more horizontal! There is still time! “The 2cm gap between his head and the pillow has been reset again. As soon as it is reset....

Zrrrr ! Zrrrr ! Zrrrr ! ..... “Wow, how punctual I am!”

Zrrrr! Zrrrr ! Zrrrr! . ....“Okay, okay I'm getting up.”

ZrrrrzooooCLICK! “Anyway, I kept it quiet! ”

Uaaaaaaaaah! .... "Damn, sleep a little more, you'll get up in 5 minutes! “

He lies back on the bed. Returns the quilt to its original position. As soon as it brings...

CLICK ! Suddenly he is dazzled…and hears a voice “Son! You're late, it's seven o'clock! get up! “

 “Hmmhmmf muaaa! hmmmmaaaaaa! It's seven o'clock! get up! What kind of rhyme is this, it killed me, it made me kiss the place in the morning"

“I said get up! I said seven o'clock!”

“Oh Mom, I said okay too!..I said I'll get up in five minutes. You leave the light on, I'm crazy! “

“Okay, whatever you do, just get up for five minutes!”

“Hmmmhh! Hmmmmm! five minutes! Five minutes! Five minutes without rhyme, for God's sake!”

After making sure that his mother is gone, our hero puts his head under his pillow. So that the light is on will not prevent him from sleeping.

“What kind of a man you are, you can't even bargain properly.....Who is enough for 5 minutes! What's wrong with you, be late for work ”

Uaaah! “Olm is better than's like I have 2 hours now..let's sleep...however my mom wakes up! I have 2 more hours! I have 2 more hours! I have 2 more hours” Uaaah ! 4 minutes 30 seconds. 4 minutes 20 seconds. 4 minutes 10 seconds. And our hero falls asleep.

He dreams of his girlfriend. They went on a tour together. He collects daisies for his lover in the countryside. They come face to face with their girlfriend. And he wants to kiss her. He will kiss her. He is kissing her. YES, KISS HIM-U-KISS-...

9 seconds. KISSING HER!

4 seconds. KISSING!

0 seconds. KISS ! “Son, get up quickly, time is up! it's full! Until you go to work, people started their own business!... Come on, get up, get up! Don't make me lacquer! Lac! Lac! “

PLOMP ! “What huh! My darling ! My love ! what huh??? !!!” "Mom give me my pillow!"

“Oh Mom, turn off the light, Mom! Wait a minute! “

“My son, 5 minutes is up! the clock struck five! “

“Oh mom, I'm trying to concentrate for a minute! Stop rhyming... Turn off the light, mom! ‘Give me my pillow! Shut up! .. my love .. my love ... come back.. oh no ! ”

Her mother pulls the covers off her. At an unprecedented speed ...... Our hero, who lost his quilt, blinks his eyes and looks at his mother, with the attitude of a hero who realizes that the last bullet in his gun has been spent and is aware that he is faced with a full Smith-Wesson directed at his brain.... “ Okay mum! OK! UFF! I'm getting up!” he says and jumps off the bed.. His mother has already gone to the kitchen before he has completed his jump.. A classic hit-and-run tactic!.... His mother is really fast! Really! Yes, if he wanted to, he could make a lot of money by waking up sluggish hotel guests! Especially with these rhyming words! especially with this quick quilt pull! .

“Of! You chose the wrong profession, mom! oof! Well, we would break the money with you! “

“Come on boy, quick! It's a pity you're running late"

“I came mom, I ran mom, I caught up mom, I ate my food mom. But know that I didn't eat from anyone as much as I ate from you, mother!”

His mother could make really good money. But she was unaware of her own talent..Yes indeed.. No sleeping pills could save you from such a mother..When you go to a hotel for the wake-up call and see her mother in front of you, you should think twice before paying...Or you may never be able to sleep again because of nightmares. .. Just like our hero...

“Son, eat fast! You will buy a motorcycle, money is in this business ”

“You ate me, mom! Nah, I'll buy that engine at this rate!”

" Hello"

"Hello ! Did you start today?"

“Oh yes! Today !"

" Best wishes!"

“Thanks.. well this is my seat? I can't believe there is no rhyme!”

" I do not understand?"

“Well, I'm telling you, there's no dust on the sofa! I can't believe it's so clean!”

" Yes. Yes like that. (inside) Oh my God! “This computer and this chair are yours now.”

“Well thanks”

“The boss must have told you your duty.”

“Yes I know thanks”

 “Well sorry!”

" Yes ?"

“Can I have a cup of coffee?”

“ Dial 3 on the phone next to you. Tell the lady who comes out, she will bring it!”


"You are welcome"

FRULUP ! After taking his coffee, our hero starts to do his job on his computer. His job is copywriting. He has to come up with original ideas on the subjects given to him and script them. He has 3 years of copywriting experience. He's specializing. Or he thinks he is.

“Hmm. I have to get this bed ad script ready by Tuesday... Hmm, how can I make this bed look attractive? Hmm... what could it be? Hmm? What could it be? hmm”

“Well excuse me? “

"Yes ! “

“What do you think makes a bed attractive?”

"What a strange question?"

“You just answer! I need can help me.”

“Find another source of inspiration. I'm busy today"

Such a lady who said this, said hello to her on her first day at the company, taught her how to say coffee in the company, and is very, very attractive and beautiful, of course, will consider the question about the bed a sinister question and will not answer it. Our hero carefully looks at the face of this attractive lady for the first time. Coffee is starting to show its effect. He realizes how strange he is. More importantly, he realizes that he is in LOVE.

“Aah..Sheeey..Eheem..” Attractive lady is busy with her own business on her own computer with her back to her.

“Aaaah..Sheeeey..Eheeem..Yes..thanks though”

TO BE IN LOVE? But didn't he have a girlfriend? Yes there was. But only in his dreams... He is at work now. She is at work, she. Original ideas are on the hunt. It needs to concentrate.

“Hmm..Bed..Hmm yes bed!..Hmm..Bed!” The effect of the coffee wears off..Sleep overwhelms you..Sleep..Yes, sleeping..Sleep is sweet..Sleep is very beautiful..Sleep is very special..Sleepuuu......His eyes are slowly closing and he rests his head slowly on his desk. And he falls asleep. Second 1

He has been dreaming. He is riding a bike with his girlfriend. His girlfriend is on the back of the bike. They are traveling on the Bostancı coastal road together. They stop for a moment. His girlfriend gets off the bike. He hugs our hero. He will kiss her. Our hero felt it.

" My love ! My love ! ...I love you !" Second 45.


“What happened to your voice my love! Why are you coughing?!”


" Sweetheart ! What happened, what's wrong? Darling, are you alright?! “


“What are you saying my love? Behave yourself! what brother? You are my love, my love! ”

“ RISE! “ 60 seconds. Our hero wakes up. He raises his head. He sees his boss and his angry look, behind him the attractive lady and her mocking smile.

“Well Excuse Me! I couldn't sleep yesterday..I guess a single cup of coffee wasn't enough.” He says and immediately presses the number 3 button of the phone and immediately says, "One more cup of coffee, please!" says.

The boss continues to look at himself nervously for a while. His eyes are already enough. Then he walks away. He left behind the attractive female employee who was giggling. Yes... she's an attractive lady... Charm works anyway. So you can make fun of everyone forever.. If you are already attractive, everyone will fall in love with you and whatever you do to someone who is in love with you makes you happy.. Since these sarcastic glances of the attractive lady belonged to the category of looks, they did nothing but inflame our hero's love a little more....

FRULUP ! “This time you are safe, son! This coffee is good for you! “ “Concentrated son, concentrate, this work should be finished by Tuesday!” “ How can an attractive bed be ..? ..This is your job, son! Bed and sleep is your job, son! Find that idea!”
