Making Life Better

Again, there was a feeling in his heart that he couldn't describe. Although this feeling was foreign, there was something he knew about this feeling. It's a bad feeling that hurts your heart. It wasn't like his previous bad feelings. He had developed a strategy for all of the previous bad feelings. With these strategies, he thought that "evil was completely gone from him". But now he was helpless. This bad feeling he never knew was lodged in his heart, and he had no specific knowledge that he could use for this situation to "restore goodness and beauty to your heart". Then he thought.. Either he will “despair and do nothing will cause the bad feeling to grow”, either “he will be relieved by doing an evil that the bad feeling brings and demands”, or he will “take another job with little hope and wait for the bad feeling to pass” or “ With great hope, he would search for the cause and solution of the problem, find it and relax”. There was another method that came to mind, it was an event that caused a bad feeling, so if he "does an action that creates a good feeling", the bad feeling in his heart could disappear. But his location and lack of time prevented him from taking action. Whatever he was going to do, he had to do it fast. Then he realized his mistake. The book was not with him. If he had the book with him, he would surely have found “a word to help him remove the bad feeling in his heart”. In fact, he was trying to take the book with him every day, but for some reason something got in the way and some days he forgot to take the book with him. As the number of these days increased, he lost the habit of taking the book with him, and the usual "habit of wandering without a book" came instead. Then when he faced a problem, when he felt an unaccustomed bad feeling in his heart, he switched to "I need to carry the book with me" mode. So what would he do now? “He would remain undecided and wait until he saw the right path” or “He would decide, be determined and choose a path, even if it was wrong”. Sometimes waiting meant patience and winning, sometimes waiting meant accepting injustice and defeat. Was it right or wrong to wait?
