Life starting again

It was nice to sleep, he thought. Yesterday was one of the worst days of his life. He didn't know how many living things he was, but he died yesterday and was resurrected today. He made up a word. “Even if it is the worst day, if the morning ends and one can reach the night, if a person can go home, go to bed and fall asleep, there is still hope for a good day”. Then he remembered a quote he had read in the book. “It is He who makes you cry, He who makes you laugh, He who kills and He who resurrects”. He thought. He understood that there was no need to be sad, that neither pain nor happiness was in his own hands. He got up, went to the bathroom, washed his face. He looked in the mirror. He could hear the sounds of cars outside. Today life started again. He knew that the outside world did not belong to him. He knew that the world outside was not the world of his dreams. But what did the book say, “You will finally meet God!” Then he thought that this world would end and he would be able to reach the owner of all beautiful names and the paradise he promised. He relaxed a little. The thing that prevented him from getting any more relief was the world he lived in with all its reality and the fact that he was the only one who read, reminded and said the words in the book. He thought that movies should be made. He thought, with these films, he should tell that not the world but the Almighty Creator is beautiful, that the heaven he promised, the paradise without empty words, is beautiful.
