Force of the System

Again he was subjected to the compulsion of the system. He had just joined a famous automobile company as a software engineer and left early because he couldn't stand his co-workers. He had been in this profession for about nine years, he was actually an electrical engineer, but since he could not find an electrical engineering job on research and development in his country, he got involved in software engineering and could not get rid of this job. Until today... But he was thinking of returning to this profession, which he got rid of now, due to unemployment and lack of money. That's what the system was for. The system would make people work for years in a job they didn't want to do, and if they tried to escape, the system would return them to the same job.

He had been experiencing an identity crisis for years. Because he had been trying to keep the identities such as musicianship, authorship, electrical engineering, and scientist for years, which the system forced him to give up. From time to time, he was working on music, writing poems and lyrics, entering the studio with his electric guitar, albeit alone, finding new melodies and composing new compositions. He also wrote some stories. For years, he had been writing down his ideas about design and engineering in notebooks, on his phone, on his computer, wherever he could take notes. He believed that one day he would compile his notes or evaluate the ideas in them in terms of commercial or foundation. Because these were what they wanted to do in life, they did not want to give up what they wanted to do and be defeated by the system. He believed he was in a prison and believed that if he acted smart enough, he would escape the prison with a good plan and find his personal paradise on earth. Most of the school or co-workers who were their peers around them kept up with the system, preferred getting married, having children and doing a job that could provide this, and living a happy life with their spouses and children in these attainable goals. He wanted to get married, too, but he wanted to do a job that he wanted and give his heart to, and to earn money from such a job, to find himself and to be happy and to make his wife happy. He was always helpful and sharing. He wanted to be happy and make you happy. The software engineering profession, unfortunately, was not a profession that he could make his dreams come true, but it was still a job he could do. For this reason, he was able to work in this profession for nine years. But his eyes were on becoming a musician, designer-engineer or writer. The most dominant of these was music. But money worries, work worries had taken away a lot of his creativity.

He started music in his early years at university. His unreachable love carried him to music. As he could not reach his loved ones, words and melodies began to come to his mind gradually, he bought a guitar for himself, found comrades, completed various musical works at that time and gave concerts. After graduating from university, he started his master's degree, attended graduate courses on the one hand, did English translation work in a translation office, on the other hand, he worked with the music group he founded in the rock music club of the university, organized music events and gave concerts. His days at this club were really good days. During this period, he was also involved in politics, apart from music. He was the head of the youth branch of the country's Liberal Party at that time, the head of the youth branch in Kadıköy, the chairman of the youth branches of Istanbul, and the vice chairman of the youth branches of the party.

Afterwards, he went to the military, and on his return, he entered and worked in electrical engineering. He was dissatisfied with these jobs and left, entered software engineering jobs and continued to this day.

He was unemployed now. He had to find a job, work, and struggle to realize his dreams.
