It's Time To Wake Up

The voice inside said:

Now is the time to wake up. Get rid of laziness and take the right path. You did not create the world you live in, but you came to this world to make love for the truth, not to sit sluggishly. So keep the orders of Allah and work when you are not empty. Once you finish one job, start another job right away. Remember, with difficulty comes ease. Turn to Allah, do not forget that these orders are the orders of Allah and He is the true friend and guide. Didn't you try to be the best of the Muslims of your age, and Allah said to compete in goodness? In that case, you both compete in goodness and try to be the best of Muslims. Our prophet, Hz. Didn't Muhammad say, peace be upon him, that the best of people is the one who benefits people the most? Then try to be one of Allah's most beloved servants, and befriend the prophets. Is this wrong? Isn't that the right goal? You don't have a purpose to lead people, but you want people to rise and you want to be a candidate to succeed in this job, so be the best of the Muslims of the age so that people will follow the right path, you will follow the right path, and people will follow the right path that you have opened. Don't settle for less, work constantly. The devil recommends laziness, work until you get tired of obeying the devil, every minute you are idle, the Islamic world is standing still. Own your case. Own your case. Own your case. Speak your beautiful words, but seek your truth when necessary. Remember, Allah is sufficient as a friend and a helper.

And he prayed about these voices coming from within:

O my God, Lord of the worlds. You, who chose most of your prophets from among those who worked as shepherds, and I am a servant who is not very intelligent, cannot be very correct, and cannot obey all of your orders. But, O my Lord, I intend that I will obey your orders completely. My Lord, I intend to do great deeds that will glorify Islam. My Lord, may my little good deeds be useful in the great cause of Islam. Lord, let me be good at my job please, how else can I be a strong Muslim? Please help me, O my beautiful Lord, help me, my mother, my father, my brothers, my relatives, all Muslims and those who will be honored with Islam. Without your help, of course, we cannot live. Have mercy on us, have mercy on us and guide us to your path, please, my Lord, the owner of everything. Please give us the strength to fight, give us joy, O Lord, the Creator of the worlds and everything.


