The Rain

The rain was pouring down on thousands of cars stuck in the traffic of the 5th Bosphorus Bridge. It was as if the rain were saying, "Now, put your fears aside, get out of your cars and meet me with the raindrops and relax, remember the Creator, the Supreme Creator." At least that was the case for Murat, the driver of the 1974 yellow Volkswagen. He got out of his car, ignored the pouring rain, closed his eyes, stood by his car with his arms wide open. He waited; By letting the drops rain on him, he showed that he had accepted the rain's invitation. He was wearing a long-sleeved, thin black shirt, underneath it gray linen pants and black rubber sneakers. Many would say, "The beautiful dresses are gone!" for this situation, but Murat said, "Let the clothes get better and more washed!" was in the understanding. It rained, it rained, it rained. Drops started pouring all over his face, hands, arms, shoulders, legs, feet. Murat felt a deep peace within him. Drops pouring into Murat was just like the captain of a long voyage, talking to the passengers one by one and comforting them before the voyage. Murat was really relieved, there was no trace of the stress of the traffic anymore. He thought he had surrendered himself to the Supreme Creator. And that thought, along with the rain, gave him peace. The rain stopped shortly after Murat thought about these thoughts. The forecasts of meteorologists had come true. The rain lasted exactly 1 hour 12 minutes 25 seconds from start to finish as expected. But Murat was unaware of this. At that moment, thousands of people sitting in their cars watched the weather from the digital TVs in their cars or from their pocket computer-phone combination devices and heard the moment of the rain stop. However, this news was of no use to them. There was no traffic. A chaos dominated the traffic, caused by thousands of different thoughts and movements of cars and the people in them. The rain had also helped block the traffic from the chaos.

It did not occur to anyone that the reason for the rain to stop was the act of a brave heart. No one had time to think about a brave heart that accepted the rain's invitation. Everyone was in the understanding that we should mind our business even if the rain is over and the traffic is open. They were in trouble of life, trouble of property, trouble of money, trouble of business, trouble of lovers, trouble of career. No one thought that the one who stopped the rain could be the Supreme Creator. It was to this extent that the threads were severed between the Creator and the son of man. Everything was expected from reason and science. The influence of heart and inspiration on society was greatly diminished. At least that was the case for now.

When the rain stopped, Murat got into his car, soaking wet. He sat in his chair. His seat was also wet, but it was rain water, after all, it was a mercy. Didn't a little chair need mercy too?

Traffic also started to clear up. The cars started to move one by one. Murat started the engine of the car. He stepped on the gas lightly, or thought he did, when the Vosvos shouted “VRAOUM!” from its powerful rear engine. He rushed forward as if rearing at the sound of his voice. Murat quickly pressed the brakes to avoid hitting the car in front, and Vosvos stopped just before hitting the car in front. The people in the surrounding cars were not aware of this minor circumstance. Their cars were quiet and safe inside, and they were indifferent to what was happening around them. No one knew whether technology had made them irrelevant or whether they had developed such technology because they were uninterested. They didn't seem to accept if you greet them.

When the traffic cleared and the cars started to move forward, the Yellow Vosvos also started to move forward. For some, there was nobility in the progress of Vosvos, which was weak, feeble, long outdated for some. It was small enough to get lost among the cutting-edge cars, but the sound of its engine was a sound of rebellion against this society, this life, this technology. There was kindness and happiness in his image and agility in his movements. It was like the last stronghold resisting civilization in rebellion. Murat and the yellow Vosvos continued to advance in the opened traffic. A new life full of adventure awaited them. They saw the invitation of the rain as a sign of this.
