Are we not part of a whole?

Are we not part of a whole? Our family..

Isn't our family part of a whole? Our neighborhood..

Isn't our neighborhood part of a whole? Our city..

Isn't our city a part of our country and our country a part of our world?

Then, after learning about ourselves and who we are, after thinking about ourselves, we should also think about our family. Then the environment we live in, then our city and our country. But we only engage in dialogue with our hobbies, work and the like. We forgot the love of the homeland and the unity of the neighborhood. Our love for people is so little that it only suffices for a few family stretches and a few friends. We are indifferent to society, indifferent to the events around us. There is only one goal, as if to save the day by having fun and being happy with the three or five people we love.
