There is no true lover but Allah

No true lover other than Allah
It does not exist in this world.
Someone other than Allah either loves himself or the world,
Either he loves his dreams or the strong one,
Where does the power of the strong come from?
Where does that rich man's wealth come from?
Regardless of where the beauty of that beautiful one comes from

But who share everything with them
And they can't always love those who are with them,
Because of thinking about their own existence
They can't see their friends' assets

They cannot understand goodness or justice.
He does not know the sacrifice, nor the brotherhood..

So is there a true lover other than Allah?
Is there ?
Is there? Who is worthy of love other than Allah?
Is there ?

Really, really God
who forgot to love His justice and righteousness
Instead of living in such a society
Maybe it's better to be a mountain goat living in the mountains.
On the way to closeness to Allah and happiness

Because man is among such a society.
To forget Allah's name and advice,
The mountains would respond to his cry "Lord"
With the tongue of a mountain goat

Or it is better to be a cactus living in the desert.
Maybe to love life
Because the cactus, even though it can't move anywhere,
Though the sun overhead sends its burning rays
His Creator will not thirst him
Maybe he remembers himself constantly and
For continuing to pray patiently

But in such a world
Among such a society,
Whose spirit? Whose heart?
A drop of justice, beauty
Or could he find happiness?

this way this way
Even though he's always running
In every door he sees
Even if he takes a step..
