The rotten apple and the real apple

If there are only rotten apples in a market and people have never seen another apple before, they mistake the rotten apple as the real apple.

So is the truth with the lie.

Because those who sell lies silence the truth, many people who are spoken to in a movie watched, in a book read, are always seen as lies, and rotten apples are thought to be the real apple.

O people, I hope that from now on, real, original apples will be brought to the markets with their clean, fresh and delicious taste, market tradesmen and market managers who try not to allow real apples to enter the market will be tried to be persuaded first, it will be tried to be told that rotten apples are harmful to them, but if anyone still does not listen. The shopkeepers and managers of those markets will be fired, if they resist even more and try to mess things up, they will be beaten with sticks, and if they don't get smart again, they will know that a great punishment awaits them.

Here is the right path to be followed to end the darkness and bring the light, and I hope I will be and will be one of the followers of this path, those who sincerely believe in all the truth, truth, honesty, justice and mercy, goodness...
